Financial Aid
Winston College programs are approved by Human Resources & Skill Development Canada (HRSDC) and qualify for Student Loans through StudentAid BC.
Financial Aid Awards
Student loan funding is designed to support students who could not otherwise afford post-secondary studies. The Student Aid BC program is purely need-based by means of a standard Student Aid BC assessment.
Eligibility for student aid BC
Be a Canadian citizen, or a Permanent Resident or have protected person status.
Have a valid Canadian social insurance number not not starting with 0 or 8, (these numbers are not eligible for StudentAid BC).
Be a resident of British Columbia.
Be enrolled in full-time/Part time studies in an eligible program of study at an eligible post-secondary institution.
For additional information about eligibility please refer to the following link:
Payment Plan/
Bursary Award:
Winston college understand the financial situations of students and offer monthly payment plan to deserving students. To learn about various tuition payment alternatives by making an appointment with admissions office representative for process and options available. Also, Winston carefully evaluate
students academic and personal achievements and offer bursary based on academic achievements.