Vision and Mission
Our Vision
Winston College strives to build the best in quality career education featuring industry and market focus, to help our students to develop appropriate attitudes and skills leading to personal development and ethical understanding, be the best friend and guide to our students, continue to contribute to society and people in need.

Our Mission
To serve our students by helping them acquire career skills and real industry experience, to prepare them for success in today’s dynamic and global workforce.
- To provide students with practical experience and training in their chosen profession.
To provide students with an education that will expand their horizons, help them develop strong communication skills and develop critical thinking.
To enhance the learning experience through continuous assessment and improvement of instructional, administrative and campus processes and tools.
To encourage social and classroom related activities that promote both personal and professional growth.
To assist the graduates of Winston College in securing employment and improving their opportunities through lifelong learning initiatives.
To consult with industry leaders on a regular basis, ensuring the course offerings and curriculum of Winston College are always on the leading edge of the global economy.